Game | Sony PlayStation PS1 | Legend Of Legaia

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Legend Of Legaia

Sony PlayStation PS1

A legendary tale of betrayal and self-destruction. Abuse derived from the greediness of man. the powers of a magical creature betrayed. Will man realize his mistakes before irreparable damage is done? Armed witha magical sword and the will to durvive lead Vahn and his cohorts to the redemption of man. Pursue a quest to save the world and discover place where legends are born. New combat system bases on fight games. Discover special combinations for more effective attacks. Beautiful realistic graphics with ull polygons. 100s of 3D enemies that react with a full range of motion.

Packaged Weight 0.24 KG
Release Date 17 March 1999
Product Type  Video Game
Genre  RPG
Region PAL (or otherwise stated)

Our USED Games

  • Guaranteed to work
  • 30 Day Warranty
  • Original case included(edition may vary such as Platinum)
  • ExcellentVery Good include manuals




  • Case, Manual and Disc
  • Minor imperfections (Light scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Minimal stickers and/or residue
Very Good
  • Case, Manual and Disc
  • Some noticeable imperfections (scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Some stickers and/or residue
  • Case & Disc only (No Manual)
  • Apparent imperfections (scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Apparent stickers and/or residue

Please Note - As these are second hand items some handling is visible. The assessment of the case, disc and instruction manuals have all been inspected to the best of our ability, however each item is unique and may differ.

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