Game | Sony PlayStation PS1 | FA Premier League Football Manager 2000

Options: Very Good
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FA Premier League Football Manager 2000

Sony PlayStation PS1

The official manager game of the F.A. Premier League. New 3D engine: Watch your team play in full 3D. Act like a real manager and change tactics while the game is in full flow. New teams: 23 divisions form seven countries. Over 30,000 players to buy and sell. All leagues operate simultaneously with yours and feed results back to you. Succeed in the Premier League and live your dreams of managing exotic clubs on the continent. New virtual managers: Assistant managers gives you information on training, formation and info on the opposition. Stadium manager will build your stadium independently to increase its capacity. Chief scout provides a monthly list of players to buy and recommends who's hot and who's not.

Packaged Weight 0.24 KG
Release Date 29 October 1999
Product Type Video Game
Genre Soccer Manager
Region PAL (or otherwise stated)

Our USED Games

  • Guaranteed to work
  • 30 Day Warranty
  • Original case included(edition may vary such as Platinum)
  • ExcellentVery Good include manuals




  • Case, Manual and Disc
  • Minor imperfections (Light scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Minimal stickers and/or residue
Very Good
  • Case, Manual and Disc
  • Some noticeable imperfections (scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Some stickers and/or residue
  • Case & Disc only (No Manual)
  • Apparent imperfections (scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Apparent stickers and/or residue

Please Note - As these are second hand items some handling is visible. The assessment of the case, disc and instruction manuals have all been inspected to the best of our ability, however each item is unique and may differ.

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